Founded in 1998 and based in Hong Kong, Animals Asia Foundation promotes compassion and respect for all animals and works to bring about long-term change for animals in Asia. Our biggest program is our work to protect bears from the bile trade. Animals Asia has rescued over 670 bears, caring for them at our award-winning bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam.
We also work against the trade in dogs and cats for food in Asia and lobby to improve the welfare of companion animals and promote humane population management. Also, Animals Asia is a member of Dog Meat Free Indonesia (DMFI), a coalition of international and national animal protection organisations committed to ending the dog meat trade.
We campaign for better conditions in zoos and safari parks in Asia and work closely with governing authorities to improve animal management and increase awareness of the welfare needs of captive wild animals.
We provide training and educational services to animal management professionals, veterinarians, educators, and the public to raise awareness of animal welfare and animal sentience concepts and drive long-term change.
Animals Asia is the largest animal protection charity in Asia, and we’re committed to bringing about the growth and improvement of animal welfare and sentience in Asia, providing guidance and support to local animal welfare charities so that capacity for protection of animals grows throughout the region.