With only a month to go until the WARN Asia Illegal Wildlife Trade workshop, a few seats are still available, so don't miss out!
Day 3 of the WARN 2024 conference
We have wrapped up the third and final day of this year’s WARN Asia conference.
The morning session was packed with presentations covering a wide range of topics. We heard from Animals Asia, Free the Bears, Asia for Animals, Sumatran Sun Bear Team, Wild Welfare, Four Paws Viet, and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife. We also got to hear from independent consultant Madelon Rusman.
After a delicious lunch, the afternoon session featured presentations from the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP), Our Wild Neighbours (OWN), ACRES, Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC), and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Gardens.
The conference has been a big success, providing an excellent opportunity for our members to network, reconnect, and share their experiences and insights. This year we have gathered representatives from 30 organisations from a total of 15 countries.
We look forward to gathering everyone again for next year’s conference, as well as for exciting workshops in the coming months.
You can see a list of all of today’s speakers and presentations below.
In addition we had the following presentations:
Lesley Small, Sumatran Sun Bear Team – Building the First Sun Bear Rescue Facility in Sumatra
Marc Goelkel, Four Paws Viet – The Wildlife Veterinary Competence Project – A Leibniz-IZW And Four Paws Cooperation To Help Vets Helping Wildlife In Vietnam
Madelon Rusman, independent consultant – One Health demystified: exploring practical applications in wildlife conservation
Jasmine-Victorina Lye, Our Wild Neighbours (OWN) – How collaboration improves human-wildlife coexistence in Singapore
Siou Huei, Chen and Fang-Tse Chan, Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, Wildlife Rescue and Research Center – Mechanism of Rescue for Botulism of Black-faced Spoonbills in Taiwan
Siew Te Wong, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC) – Tabin Sun Bear Project – A soft release of a Bornean Sun Bear in Sabah – the first 9 months