With only a month to go until the WARN Asia Illegal Wildlife Trade workshop, a few seats are still available, so don't miss out!
WARN member team to rescue of tigers in Bangladesh
Confiscated tiger cubs needed urgent help
Three wild tigers were confiscated by special forces of the Bangladesh police, poached from the Sundarbans Mangroves. The tigers were taken from the wild and on their way to a middleman in Dhaka to be sold to Chinese traders and exported.
While there is not yet a wildlife rescue center in Bangladesh to care for the animals, there was a serious concern for the health of the cubs as they were lethargic, weak and dehydrated. The WFFT wildlife rescue team, led by Dr. Teui from Lopburi Thailand, was flown in to Dhaka on the 16th of June to help out, give advise on care and medical check-ups, and donate medication, food and food supplements for the months to come. The WFFT wildlife rescue team is part of the WARN network.
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